Join the World Can't Wait Contingent
in the 2014 Honolulu Pride Parade
Saturday, June 7
Meet at Magic Island by 9:30 am
(look for our blue world flag)
Chelsea Manning (born Bradley Manning), is a U.S. Army soldier and whistleblower who leaked documents to Wikileaks in 2010. The documents exposed the crimes of the U.S. Government in Iraq to millions. Chelsea is a whistleblower, whose courageous actions inspired people around the world.
Join World Can't Wait-Hawai`i's contingent in Hawai`i's Pride Parade on Saturday. We'll have a truck decorated with signs supporting Chelsea. Our lead banner will read "Humanity and the Planet Come First." You can walk, ride on our truck, or bring your bicycle, scooter or skateboard. Bring your own signs speaking out against justice of any kind - or pick up one of ours. The parade will leave Magic Island at 10am before marching to Kapiolani Park via Kalakaua.
Thousands of people participate in Honolulu's Pride Parade, and thousands more line the street. Make your voices heard! We'll have water on the truck; bring your own sunscreen. The truck will be returning to Magic Island immediately after the parade so you can get a ride back to the park if you like. There will be a Pride Festival at Kapiolani Park from 11am-4pm.
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