Monday, February 25, 2013

Free Bradley Manning!

Honolulu joins the International Day of Support for Bradley Manning
18 people came out to hold signs at a busy Honolulu intersection to support Bradley Manning on his 999th day of incarceration.  It's been a long time since we've been out on the streets in Bradley's support and it was obvious that many passers-by did not know who he was.   However, some drivers honked and gave us a shaka or thumbs up.   Far fewer gave us a thumbs-down.   An Occupy activist designed a zine to give to participants and some came with their own signs or made signs on the spot.  
World Can't Wait-Hawai`i called for the signholding, but when high winds and heavy rains were forecast they considered cancelling.   One look at the list of cities holding events - which included cities like Oslo and Chicago - caused us to head to the intersection to make support for Bradley visible in spite of the weather.  We were delighted that the rains stopped for at least part of the time and more people joined us than we had expected.
Check out actions around the world at
Bradley Manning 1.JPG
Bradley Manning 3.JPG

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