Thursday, April 4, 2013

Support the Guantanamo Hunger Strikers

Shut Down Guantanamo!
Support the Guantanamo Hunger Strikers!
Signholding and leafleting at First Friday
Friday evening, April 5, 6:30-8:30
Corner of Bethel & Hotel (next to Hawai`i Theatre

More than 4 years after Obama promised to close Guantanamo "within a month" there are still 166 prisoners being held in torturous conditions. 157 haven't been charged and 86 were cleared for release more than three years ago.

As many as 130 of those prisoners have been on a hunger strike that has now lasted for two months. Eleven are being force-fed through feeding tubes. Several dozen have lost consciousness. The Obama administration refuses to listen.   Last week a small group had a Big Presence at the Federal Courthouse! Dressed in orange jumpsuits, holding a big banner reading "Stop Torture" and signs reading "Shut Down Guantanamo" and "Release Innocent Guantanamo Prisoners, they stood in front of the Federal Bldg sign at the corner of Punchbowl and Halekauwila and passed out leaflets to the foot traffic to and from the courthouses. Some didn't know Guantanamo was still open; none knew about the hunger strike, and few knew that prisoners were being held after their release dates. We cannot allow this to continue in our names! It’s only us — people in this country with a conscience, who care about humanity everywhere — who can raise public outcry needed to force our government to allow those men cleared for release to leave, give others a chance to answer charges, and close the illegitimate prison camp. Join us Friday evening. We'll have the orange jumpsuits, signs and leaflets. Come for a short time or for 2 hours.   For more info about the hunger strike: "Respect us, or Kill Us".

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